Monday 6 June 2016


Aku terlalu bersyukur sebab S sentiasa ada dengan aku masa susah dan senang. Kenapa aku bodoh tinggalkan dia dulu utk lelaki tak guna tu. Hm walaupun realitinya sakit, tapi perlahan-lahan aku cuba untuk terima dia bukan lagi milik aku. Mungkin Allah dah cuba aturkan rancangan yg lebih baik untuk aku dan S. Terima kasih S. Aku sentiasa terhutang budi dgn kau.

Wednesday 18 May 2016


It is raining outside. I'm frozen to the bones but my heart was warmed by N's good night wishes. Oh God, it has been months since the last time I got my good night wishes :') Truly, I need someone to always care and love me. Perhaps it is not the right time for me, soon, by Allah's will. But when someone did once, i will always remember and appreciate the wishes. 

I suka cara N layan I, he cares about me. Maybe dia tahu I'm all alone, so dia layan I macam tu. Dia kesiankan I. Hm I pun jangan nak melebih sangat, we're just friend. How can I date my partition mate's ex boyfriend?